Visual Blog
What Is Your Definition Of A Legacy?
How would you like others to remember you? How do you honour the legacy of your loved ones? I recently heard about Daniel Mermoud a master craftsmen and model ship builder. In the last 50+ years he has created 61 ships of various sizes and historical pedigree. Check...
Looking for an travel adventure of a lifetime?
Living in Victoria, BC on southern Vancouver Island surrounded by the cool waters of the Pacific Ocean, the opportunities for adventure travel are never far away. I first heard about Maple Leaf Adventures from my colleague Briony Penn who has been one of their...
Retirement or Accomplishment? What do you call it?
It's interesting to hear the choice of words used when a career journey ends. Maybe its the "tire" in Retirement that I find kind of tiring. It's so much more positive to focus on Accomplishment! The end or transition in a career journey is an important milestone and...
Need to tell your business story? Try Visual.
I used this strategy to illustrate my skills as a Graphic Journalist while explaining the design process of a Landscape Architect. Describing to potential clients what you do and the process you are going to use can be somewhat daunting. On one hand you want future...
Sketchnotes, Business notes, Visual notes
Earlier this year, business students from 12 Western Canadian Universities gathered for JDC West, a weekend of meeting, competing and connecting culminating in a Dragons Den style "pitch your best idea" competition. They were given 3 hours to develop a product or...
Business Messages That Stick
Getting important messages across to employees is pretty darned challenging. There is so much competition for their attention. A local grocery store chain, well known for their exceptional customer service, struggled to get their busy employees to read the story about...
Celebrating a Life & a Lifestyle Choice
At an early age Leah fell in love with bicycling and the love affair continues today. This passion for cycling has shaped her values, her lifestyle and influenced personal choices. This visual story chronicles the first 50 years of Leah's cycling life. Do you know...
Which house this Christmas season?
How many different homes have you celebrated the holidays in? For Heather who has lived in 30 different homes over the course of her life so far, the possibilities to contemplate are pretty significant. Over the course of our lives many of us move around and for some,...
Do you have a story-teller in the family?
If you met my father, within five minutes he would be telling you a story. He's that kind of a person - curious, smart and memorable. Whenever I saw him or we spoke on the phone, he would tell me stories. As I grew older I realized how precious these stories were....
The Power of Images
Photographs, sketches, doodles, graphics - there are so many ways to use images to tell stories. The explosion of visual storytelling and infographics reaffirms the power of images. We've all heard the quote "a picture is worth a thousand words" - beyond...