Are You A Good Listener?

Are You A Good Listener?

This image is from our free download of 17 Magic Questions from the early years of life. Once you’ve asked a great question and someone starts down their story trail, where does your mind go? Do you start thinking of a story related to the story being told? Perhaps...
Are You Addicted Too?

Are You Addicted Too?

How often do you check email every day? How many times an hour? What about Facebook or Instagram or Snapchat or whatever favourite app you have on your device or computer? It’s all pretty addicting right. I mean, someone might be sending you a message or photo that...
Bullet Journals = Productivity

Bullet Journals = Productivity

Like many people, especially small business people, productivity is a concern. I have a lot on my to do list every week. For years I tried various systems to keep track of what needed to be done and when, with life being such a big full entity, things overlapped from...
Celebrating Community

Celebrating Community

For the last five years I have received a calendar created by Blue Heron Art for Christmas. The message of celebrating community was clear and I needed to meet this woman who is also passionate about telling visual stories. Suzanne Heron collects stories and images...