Boring notes vs Sketchnotes

Boring notes vs Sketchnotes

This sketchnote is from the final keynote address at the inaugural SOHO Victoria – Small Office Home Office conference held January 21, 2016. In true entrepreneurial style, Mandy Farmer from Accent Inns and Hotel Zed wrapped up the day, talking about Innovation....
Living like an astronaut

Living like an astronaut

I am striving to live like an astronaut.  Not just any astronaut but like Chris Hadfield. I highly recommend this book by a remarkable human and engaging writer. It’s full of insights surrounded by great stories.  What a life he has lead, chocker block full of...
Count Your Blessings, Celebrate Often

Count Your Blessings, Celebrate Often

I love this message so much that I’ve used it for the last two years on my seasonal card. Who knows? It could become my annual wish just for you. And why not, it’s great! For me, this time of year is about getting together, sharing stories and celebrating often. The...