I don’t know about you but it feels like we need more light this year. 2016 has had too many moments of shock and sadness. The potential of darkness is around us in the world and the ever present media. We must seek out the cracks and bring the light in. I am sending this poignant Leonard Cohen quote out this year. The loss of this genius writer and performer, is another shadow to be averted, instead let’s focus on his legacy of beautiful words. On this longest night of the year, it is time to shift and let the light back in.
As we get to the end of the year I take time to reflect back. Do you do this?
What was your greatest accomplishment of the year? Hmm, well it may not be “the greatest” but for me keeping up with this newsletter and blog is a challenge that I am happy to be continuing, this is issue #40!
What were your greatest disappointments? Having a shoulder that gave me chronic pain and kept me off the water and out of rowing sculls for half the year was a bummer. I am better now and recently bought a single rowing scull that makes me smile big time.
What were your most important learnings? My answer to this is I need to be more patient. I won’t get into the details but if you know me well you know I like to have many balls in the air.
What will be your most important roles in the year ahead? I like this question because it is plural (see “balls” above). Memory Collector and Graphic Journalist are two of my favourite roles.
Will you answer these questions this year? Do you have any other great questions that you ask yourself at the year end? I’d love to know.
For the other side of my year end card I have chosen a Mary Oliver quote. She is another gifted writer whose quote I have used in a previous blog post. The first time I saw this quote I felt excited and challenged. I hope you do too.
I would truly love to hear what your response to this. If you share your plan with me, I will share mine with you. Drop me a line.
My sentiments from last year still ring true, Count Your Blessings, Celebrate Often. And while you’re at it light a candle and bring the light in.